17 Issues That Appear Like Penises (But Aren’t)
Looking at how many times the thing is real penises, it is quite surprising at what amount of things look like penises that aren’t. Browse these 17 phallic discovers!
17. See Place Get
16. Welcome Home
15. Tallest Tower
14. Potato-rection
13. Fuzzy-wuzzy
12. Buzz Buzz
11. Minnie Mouse
10. Boner Bridge
9. Sounds Delicious
8. Rising
7. Subway Program
6. Fountain Head
5. Intense Development
4. Messing Around
3. Slutty Santa
2. Pillow Willie
1. Oh, Herman
Photo options: blogs.babycenter.com, cherryplucker.com, collegehumor.com, cosmopolitan.com, flickr.com, gizmodo.com, huffingtonpost.com, imgur.com, neurological.com, newyorkdick.com, studentbeans.com, tripadvisor.de, usvsth3m.com